Falls Prevention

May 8, 2020, © by Judith Allen Shone, updated 2023


THEY SAY you never know how old you are until you fall on the ground and can’t get back up! Well, we really do not want to find out…it’s usually not pretty!

Stats Canada states “Every year, it is estimated 1 in 3 seniors aged 65 years and older are likely to fall at least once”

In a recent email from Acclaim Health in Oakville, they said, “Did you know – in Canada, an older adult endures a fall every 12 seconds?  Read that again.

Those seem like astounding numbers! But there are precautionary measures we can practice for falls prevention.

National Institute on Aging encourages us: “Get enough sleep. If you are tired, you are more likely to fall. Avoid or limit alcohol. Too much alcohol can lead to balance problems and falls, which can result in hip or arm fractures and other injuries.”

The Mayo Clinic steps up and says: “To prevent falls:

  1. Start by making an appointment with your health care provider. …get their advice specific to your health situation. …
  2. Keep moving. Physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. …
  3. Wear sensible shoes. …
  4. Remove home hazards. …
  5. Light up your living space. …
  6. Use assistive devices. …
  7. Be aware of the walking surface. …

What if . . . you become injured and can no longer care for yourself or your loved one? The Boy Scout mottoBe Prepared’ comes to mind with meaning we can relate to.

As caregivers, the risks are higher because we are usually overwhelmed and exhausted.

For our own safety and wellbeing caregivers are told we must focus on being prepared…for just about anything…but especially so we can prevent falling. While the primary focus has been on a regular physical exercise program to help us avert falls or injury, there are other areas of our daily life equally as important to consider to make our home safer.

After taking a serious fall this past winter, at the age of 77, I earnestly support getting involved in a Falls Prevention program. Two are at bottom of this page.


I had been hurrying down the hall to the loo. I saw something on the floor and leaned down to pick it up…only, I lost my balance by stubbing my toe on the edge of the carpet. The momentum I started with intention took me tumbling forward, grabbing at air. I tried to stop what was already in motion…my body. I hit the dog gate. It fell toward me, getting in my way as I reached for the floor. The side of my hand took the weight of the fall, pushing on my arm. The bicep took an internal hit.

But my arm only slowed my fall. My nose hit the carpet first and then I felt the area of the skull above my eye sockets bounce on the padded floor.

And at the same time, my foot seemed also to bounce on the floor, breaking the three middle toes.

As I lay face down on the floor I wondered if something was broken. I hurt but could not tell if I were bleeding.  Most of all I wondered how I would get up. I was not near furniture. My husband was asleep. Even if he had been awake, he, with Alzheimer’s, would not have known how to go for help. He probably would have stepped over me, sat in his seat and waited for me to get up.

The bumps on my head became lumps. A headache bothered me for a while. The side of my hand below the little finger ached and turned blue!  I fractured the nose septum. I still have pain in my arm and toes, now, three months later.

But it could have been far worse! I quickly realized this was another area where I needed to prepare.

Was this a ‘wake-up fall?’


Pain and possibly life-changing physical injury are why we want to prevent falls.

There are a number of aspects of our lives that come into play that can help us ward off accidental falls. TAKE TIME to assess ways to remove potential for falls.

Best Practices


IN ALL CASES, ask a medical professional, certified occupational therapist, or licensed practitioner ‘what will be best’ practices for you.

1 –Exercise to keep our bodies mobile and strong should be a major focus. Therapists know the importance of basic muscle strength and mobility. Include a program that helps build up muscles to help with balance. We are encouraged to join a group, or at least exercise two to three times a week for 30 minutes. Physiotherapists can help us work the right muscles in the proper way. There are classes, instructors,  videos and books, all to help us.

2 –areas of the home where we can reduce or eliminate the risk of falls by  making changes. An Occupational Therapist can assist with this.

3 –walking aids, walkers, canes, crutches, improper shoes all can create potential for fall. Be aware of their sturdiness, their placement, and maintain your focus as you walk.

4 – chronic illnesses, or physical abilities, that create imbalance at some point;

5 –diet, which includes vitamins and minerals for strength building; and understanding the impact of foods, minerals and vitamins, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and water to improve your organ and muscle health;

6 –vision. Clear eyesight, or correct lenses, help with our balance by keeping us aware of the space around us. Good vision care can help prevent potential for falling. Get your eyes checked yearly by a professional and update lenses when prescriptions change;

7 -know how to get up…Lifemark has

I learned I had to reach out for help. I would not be able to care for my loved one if I were injured or in pain.

Encouraged my my physician, both My Love and I have been involved in local Falls Prevention and Balance classes to improve our ability to prevent future injury and pain. Consider how you can retain your mobility and strength. We have no choice but to stay mobile.

DOWNLOAD hazards list and exercises pdf document produced by Lifemark’s Community Outreach Program to help us navigate them if/when we encounter them.

It is never too soon to make a difference in keeping you and your loved ones safe from falling!

If you have a Falls Prevention program near you, call and see how you would benefit. In Canada, check Lifemark locations. If you are in Ontario, phone Lifemark 1 800 315 4417 and ask to register (free) for their Community Outreach Program – MH-LHIN Falls Prevention program.

Check Acclaim Health for their Fall Prevention program in some areas of Ontario. Caregivers, it is worth the self-care time!

The website Canadian Fall Prevention Education Collaborative offer and immense list of resources related to Fall Prevention.

On their website, related to Fall Prevention, Acclaim Health offer an “in home 12-week program produces measurable results for older adults who can’t attend a community exercise class.” In addtion, they show “Free community exercise classes throughout Halton specifically designed for older adults” Call 905-827-8800 or 1-800-387-7127 to see how the COVID-19 programs are working.

Visit Lifemark.ca “…enriching the health of Canadians through movement.“ Video helps us Learn to be aware of our surroundings. CLICK HERE for pdf file, printable, Lifemark Falls Prevention Program Review. Program is in coordination with Ontario LHIN.

Video helps us learn to be aware of our surroundings. Contact Lifemark

Remember also to check with Alzheimer Society, Burlington, ON.

A wordsearch game related to health and falls prevention…. GAME … pdf by Christina Macri.

The Government of Ontario in Canada has a Falls Prevention Program which you can review. Also, Lifemark Wellness Falls Prevention Program follows information put out by Health Canada. The following items are taken from several sources.

Home evaluation:
– Add grab bars in the shower stall to eliminate slipping and provide a shower chair for safety in the tub.
– Add bed rails to prevent rolling out of bed onto the floor. As well, a rail can be used for grabbing to help move in the bed.
– Remove scatter rugs to keep from slipping, tripping or stumbling.
– Be sure larger carpets are taped down or have non-skid padding beneath.
– Remove clutter to avoid falling over loose objects; remove from stairs.
– Arrange furniture so it allows a clear path for unobstructed movement.
– Assess how to keep pets from becoming a stumbling hazard.
– Check that all power cords are secured/tied up out of the walking path.
– Be sure lighting is sufficient in all areas, stair wells, closets, bathrooms.
– Be sure chairs and tables are stable or firm.
– Tighten up loose steps on porches or decks.
– Remove steps where possible. Replace with ramps or step lifts or elevators

Personal Use evaluation:
– Evaluate shoes and slippers to be sure they are sturdy for balance and not loose.
– Replace normal socks with non-slip socks for those who wear socks indoors.
– Assure properly fitting clothes with appropriate hem lengths allow use of limbs
– Use a walker if balance requires; an OT can best determine the size and type
– Learn and practice how to get up from the floor using a solid chair as leverage to get up.
– Move slowly and not abruptly. Stand and wait before stepping forward.

Self-care is up to us:
…especially if we are caregivers. Have we made plans if something makes it impossible for us to continue being caregivers?

We must listen … and evaluate … when our families and friends mention situations that might need to be altered or changed to make a safer home.

But remember, we, the caregivers, live in the situation and probably know it best.

Contact your health care provider if you would like someone to evaluate your situation.

Create a safer living space and help reinforce personal safety. Our best defense is prevention. Falls prevention.

I tell the story of my fall in “Did You Hide the Cookies?” coming late summer of 2020. There, the story is used to reflect on ‘what if’ I had been permanently injured? I still ask, as a caregiver, what would I do?

~ jas

Falls Prevention copyright(c) 2020-updated 2023 Judith Allen Shone

Teddy bear image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

Each day do something to make others smile and your heart sing!


Is There Any Ice Cream?, Part One, and Did You Hide the Cookies?, Part Two, are both available from Amazon or online book sellers, or
order eBooks, paperback or hard cover from independent book sellers:
A Different Drummer Books,
Burlington, Ontario,
Maria’s Bookshop, Durango, Colorado,
The Bookworm
Omaha, Nebraska

2 thoughts on “Falls Prevention

  1. Thank you for your note. Falls currently cause 85% of injuries to seniors in Canada! A HUGE number! Become familiar with the prevention methods …helping with your balance to prevent broken bones and head injuries or other harm to the body.

    The websites referenced on this page are worth the time to visit so you can learn about falls prevention. I want to encourage our readers so they can be informed to make good choices.


  2. My mother fell recently. My brother and I do not live close. We connected her to a wrist alert that lets us know if she needs help…we have not used it yet, but feel it will be helpful.


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